Tuesday, December 14, 2010

♥ why I miss you ♥

I get used to having you around, talking to you all the time

Your voice and your laughs

 No point in being naked.

We always find something to do together, even if it's cuddling

Things just don't seem as important when I'm not with you

My bed takes a long time to warm up

I rarely have anyone to have a conversation with

Eating just isn't fun if I don't get to compare my speed with you

It's futile to dance

I never go for walks by myself

I don't get to see any of your reactions, which can be real cute

Movies just aren't the same when I'm the only one watching

Phones with static is not nearly as good as face-to-face

It's harder for me to pick on you ;)

I can't see how cute you are today